2023 Evening of Hope
November 2, 2023 @ 6:00PM — 8:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The Emanuel Synagogue: 160 Mohegan Drive WEST HARTFORD, CT 06117-2756 Get Directions

2023 Evening of Hope: The Power of Music
Celebrate with Voices of Hope at our 2023 Evening of Hope, "The Power of Music." Join us for the presentation of the L'Dor V'Dor Lifetime Achievement Award to Rabbi Philip Lazowski. Our evening will conclude with a delicious dessert reception.
Please join us on November 2, 2023 at 6 pm at The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford. We are excited to welcome award-winning Israeli Jazz pianist, Guy Mintus for An Evening of Hope: “The Power of Music.” Guy’s performance will feature music performed and sung by victims and survivors of the Shoah, songs that were sung in protest, in solidarity, with hope and finally to proclaim, “We Are Here,” “We Won’t Be Silent,” and we will Never Forget.
The evening will honor Rabbi Philip Lazowski with a L’dor V’dor Lifetime Achievement Award. Rabbi, as he is respectfully known throughout the community, has spent the last 78 years honoring his mother’s directive as she pushed him out of a second-floor window in an effort to save his life. “I want you to be somebody and tell the world what’s going on,” she told him. Indeed, Rabbi has traveled the world and spoken with thousands upon thousands of students and adults, imbuing them with the knowledge that each of us has the responsibility and the capacity to stand up against hate.